Terms & Conditions
When enrolling in my classes, you are abiding to the following Terms and Conditions, and the Code of Conduct:
Terms & Conditions:
Invoices will be emailed before the start of term and must be paid promptly. Fees are based on 8 classes a term. When a term is longer than 8 weeks, there is no extra charge. Please let me know if you would like to start a payment plan.
Correct uniform to be worn in class. Please see the uniform page to find out more.
The Acrobatic Arts syllabus requires practice and consistent training. Missing classes will mean you fall behind with the required strength and knowledge for your level. Please discuss with me a plan if you need to miss more than 2 classes in a term. Dancers are required to come weekly to their class, and be on time.
No jewellery.
Long hair to be tied up neatly in class.
Timetable is subject to change if a class becomes full, or classes need to be combined.
Annual shows are optional, but a fantastic opportunity and experience. Costume and show fees will be added to your term 4 invoice.
Fees are non-refundable if you cannot complete a full term after week 2.
Annual exams are not compulsory but very much encouraged to progress correctly and safely.
Mini sessions are designed for 3 to 5 dancers. Payment is required in advance for these sessions. If you are unable to make it, please let me know and I will do my best to find a suitable replacement. However, if I am unable to, unfortunately there are no refunds.
Code of Conduct
Respect to other COTA students and teachers.
Respecting the building and facilities.
Respecting COTA equipment.
Dancers and families are expected to talk in a positive way about COTA and encourage all dancers/families at COTA.