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Terms & Conditions

When enrolling in my classes, you are abiding to the following Terms and Conditions, and the Code of Conduct:

Terms & Conditions:


  • Invoices will be emailed before the start of term and must be paid promptly. Fees are based on 8 classes a term. When a term is longer than 8 weeks, there is no extra charge. Please let me know if you would like to start a payment plan. 


  • Correct uniform to be worn in class. Please see the uniform page to find out more.

  • The Acrobatic Arts syllabus requires practice and consistent training. Missing classes will mean you fall behind with the required strength and knowledge for your level. Please discuss with me a plan if you need to miss more than 2 classes in a term. Dancers are required to come weekly to their class, and be on time.


  • No jewellery.


  • Long hair to be tied up neatly in class.


  • Timetable is subject to change if a class becomes full, or classes need to be combined.


  • Annual shows are optional, but a fantastic opportunity and experience. Costume and show fees will be added to your term 4 invoice.


  • Fees are non-refundable if you cannot complete a full term after week 2.


  • Annual exams are not compulsory but very much encouraged to progress correctly and safely.


  • Mini sessions are designed for 3 to 5 dancers. Payment is required in advance for these sessions. If you are unable to make it, please let me know and I will do my best to find a suitable replacement. However, if I am unable to, unfortunately there are no refunds.


Code of Conduct

  • Respect to other COTA students and teachers.

  • Respecting the building and facilities.

  • Respecting COTA equipment. 

  • Dancers and families are expected to talk in a positive way about COTA and encourage all dancers/families at COTA.

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